The Grateful Tea Info-Gram #6

The Grateful Tea Info-Gram #6

Welcome constant readers and newcomers! Today we’ll be finishing off our Ginger Lemongrass newsletter series. You can read the first installment here {Newsletter 5}. The rest of the ingredient list for Ginger Lemongrass we’ll be covering today include Peppermint Leaves, Safflower & Blue Cornflowers.

Peppermint leaves are a very popular tea leaf (or tisane, for those who read about our White Blueberry tea!). Like Ginger and Lemongrass, ingredients we covered in the last newsletter, Peppermint has long been used to help treat and ease digestive system paints, upsets and bloating. And unlike Ginger and Lemongrass, Peppermint is also used to help treat migraines, or to focus your clarity and concentration. And it’s been used as a muscle relaxant, which makes it ideal as a bedtime tea as well, that and the fact that it’s caffeine free! And of course, Peppermint is great for keeping your breath fresh!

Safflower is a yellow herb that's related to thistles and sunflowers! This will really brighten up your tea. Besides being full of antioxidants, which help prevent cancers and can help your skin as well, Safflower is known for being especially helpful with intestinal detoxification. Women have been known to consistently use Safflower to relieve menstrual symptoms as well, due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also been known to help with bad cholesterol, which makes it heart healthy.

And onto the final ingredient; Blue Cornflowers! Cornflowers are beautiful hues, and are a part of the daisy family. These are also used for promoting digestion and assisting in constipation. Like cranberries, Blue Cornflowers can be useful for assisting in Urinary Tract Infection Treatments; they assist in urination, which helps detoxify your kidneys and liver. It’s also been used to relieve anxiety symptoms, as a relaxing tea, as well as helping common colds too.

Ginger Lemongrass tea is a super tea for any digestive upsets you may have! Its stellar flavor ingredients like Peppermint, milder Lemongrass and spicier Ginger are sure to be an amazing combination. The full list of ingredients are: Lemongrass, Ginger, Licorice, Peppermint, Safflower and Blue Cornflowers. We’re now onto our final tea in the sampler! Stay tuned to learn about our final An-tea-oxidant Sampler Collection, Daily Detox!

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